The Molan Gold Standard

The uses for Mānuka honey are often linked to the properties of the honey in each jar.

All Watson & Son Mānuka honey displays Molan Gold Standard™ so you know the purity, quality and grade of the Mānuka honey inside the jar.

The Molan Gold Standard™ appraises the natural marker methylglyoxal found in Mānuka honey, and assures purity and quality.

In 1982, New Zealand scientist Dr Peter Molan made a remarkable discovery. Through his research, Dr Molan discovered that honey harvested from the Mānuka tree contains a different anti-bacterial activity, which sets it apart from other honeys. The naturally-occurring marker responsible for this activity is called methylglyoxal. In laboratory tests, Dr Molan discovered Mānuka honey inhibits bacteria, and ongoing research has shown it is effective in treating a wide range of diseases and even “super-bugs” like MRSA.


Confirmed by the New Zealand Government

For transparency and peace of mind for all our customer we put the Molan Gold Standard™ (MGS) on every jar. This is a grading system that has been reviewed by the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand to ensure that it meets legislative requirements. It appraises the natural marker methylglyoxal found in Mānuka Honey, and assures purity and quality.

The Molan Gold Standard™ is tested and certified by an accredited New Zealand laboratory under the ISO17025 standard and a lab certificate for any batch of Molan Gold Standard certified honey is available on request.

MGS also certifies that scientific standards have been met to ensure the highest quality is maintained in all aspects.

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